Sunday, 28 June 2009

mary mary quite contrary how does your garden grow.....part 2.....

today the village that i live in had its annual open gardens.......being an extremely nosy person coupled with my new love of gardening.......(yes i think i am growing up.....well it's about time as i am 39) it was ideal for with youngest child my friend and her youngest child we set off....... 4 hrs we walked around our village and a lovely time we is so fascinating to me as i often walk past some houses (whilst walking matilda) and fall in love with them and their front gardens and always wonder what their gardens look like at the back....well i was so exited when 2 of them had their gardens open......and let me tell you they were just as magical has i expected them to be...if not better.......i took lots of pics with the kind permission of the owners, but i won't post any that is probably invading their privacy.....but i have taken away some fantastic ideas and lots of fact me and my friend are thinking of joining the gardening club !!! wonders never cease........
we rounded off our afternoon at the local band hall (which is where they hold the gardening club)
we had tea and cake.......very much needed !! it is a fantastic old little hall which is victorian built and has not been touched since the 1950's seriously i was in heaven..... this i have taken pics off for your perusal.......i wish i had taken one of the fact i will and i will post the pics.....
and lastly i will leave you wth some more up-to-date pics of our little veggie patch..............


Theresia (Minori Design) said...

love love your veggie patch!!

Bohemian Sister..... said...

Thankyou kind !!
p.s. i love your name !!