Tuesday, 23 June 2009

mary mary quite contrary how does your garden grow

again i have fallen off the 'i will try and blog on a more regular basis' ladder.........but eh.......i think i'm the only one who is beating myself up over this......we are our own greatest critics........ so i have taken the attitude that i will blog as and when i have time (and time.... i do so wish i had more of that ).....
but on to more exiting things.........the garden......these pics were taken a few weeks ago now with the intention to share them with you then, but eh.... better late than never !

it is so exiting growing your own vegetables......i feel like neil from the young ones !! does anyone else remember that ?.....i plant the seeds, nature grows the seeds, then we eat the seeds.......so funny, a tv must for 80's teenagers......getting back to the growing of veg. ( i do ramble on, go of subject and can't remember what i was talking about !) every morning i take a walk down the garden, matilda hot on my heels... tending to our little patch, we are growing...potatoes( which are in flower right now , and getting extremely out of hand )...carrots...parsnips...brussels....cabbages...peas...green beans....onions....beetroot...lettuces...and in our little makeshift green house we have tomato plants and lots of chilli plants (24 in total !!?? yes i said alot ) we also have gooseberry bushes which were kindly donated to me by my aunt, a blackberry bush....and 9 raspberry bushes... well raspberry canes..... which surprisingly all have some raspberries growing on them !!.....strawberry plants...garlic and last but not least pumpkins which have been lovingly reared by our youngest ( whom might i add has flown the nest this week...she is on a school pgl holiday... take care our little one, your presence is greatly missed ) and to add to that list our little herb garden.... which has been going for a few years now..... to add to this 'good life' all we need now are chickens.... which have been on the back burner for sometime now... although we are needing a house move and will probably wait till then.......

looking at what i have wrote i feel rather proud of what we have acheived in the last few months....and hats off to my man who has contructed the raised beds and lovinly tends to the veges every night !!

p.s. looking back at these pics..... i really must take some more upto date ones, as they have grown so much........

and finally i couldn't post without a pic of miss matilda...........

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