Monday, 7 September 2009

a normal day resumes...........................

peace at last...................the children are back at school and college.....and a more normal routine can be put back into practice.......don't get me wrong i love the school holidays and i love having the children at home....we get up to some great adventures.......but i also love getting back into the swing of things.......
i have done so much over these 7 weeks........vintage buying.........camping.......lots of days out......harvesting our much fun.......this i will be enlighting you with over the next few days !!
today i shall start with our little harvest....seriously this was very exiting for us......from the little patch we really seemed like an abundance of veges and they all tasted so good.........

please vintage tablecloth and new plate..... i buy alot of vintage ware but don't always get round to sharing any images of my purchases on here.......i must make more of an effort........really... i hear you say !!!!!

on a final note...this is a proud mother moment....a big whoop for my eldest who got an.......A* two A's and a B in her AS levels.........

1 comment:

Josh Gaffin said...

the veg looks soooooo yummy! xo